Chemicals Industry Remote Tank Monitoring Systems and Connected Sensors

When you distribute chemicals in agricultural or industrial in bulk, whether or not they be liquids, solids or gases, then can give you an answer. The chemicals we are able to monitor industrial gases, cryogas, alkalies, acids, detergents, fertilizers water, food and beverage additives. Our Telemetry Chemical Level Sensor has an easy installation system, userfriendly, environment-friendly, suitable for all-weather, reliable, trustworthy. Our measuring chemical level sensing element solutions area unit simple to put in & maintain, reliable, versatile and cheap and that they can interface into your existing business tools. It is possible to connect thousands of sensors to the internet and view the reading through a simple web browser on your tablet, mobile or computer. Our telemetry chemical level sensor solutions system unit is fast simple to install on your tanks. Readings area unit sent wirelessly and knowledge is delivered to be used by your sales and route coming up with gr...