
Showing posts from March, 2020

Avoid the risks in chemical applications

In applications that deal with chemicals, the process is often hard to monitor and control in line with regulating standards. One solution is using user-friendly sensors that are valuable in industries where the production is on a larger scale. Chemical Level Sensors, Tank Level Sensors, and Liquid Level Sensors, Submersible Level Sensor and Remote Tank Monitoring are some of the multipurpose sensors that we offer for a wide range of applications. Chemical Level Sensors provide reliable accurate level measurement data for Chemical Storage Tanks, Waste Sumps, Bulk Storage, Tanker Truck, Day Tanks, Process Tanks, Neutralization Tanks, Open Channels, Chemical Feed and Clarifier Applications. The UltraPro Series are 2-wire loop powered Tank Level Sensors, designed to work with most types of remote instrumentation and provide integration with enhanced functionalities such as remote displays and remote monitoring solutions. ยท        ...